Sunday, July 11, 2010

Heat wave over for now...

Well, it looks like we're getting some relief finally, and we got a little rain there at the end. Here in the Providence area, though, the quick downpour was not enough to percolate down into the soil. Soooo..... If you've got newly planted trees (1-3 years), or stressed trees and shrubs, keep watering! A hose set on a slow to medium drip for 30-60 minutes is enough for small trees, but larger trees need more volume. Approximately 10 gallons per inch of trunk caliper twice a week is best during the hot Summer months. A two inch caliper tree should get 20 gallons, a 10 inch tree 100, etc. It sounds like alot, but your trees are worth it! Consider rain barrels and other ways of redirecting or capturing passive water to reuse, especially if you have alot of trees to water!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like this exact scenario has played out again... Long hot stretch capped off with torrential rain.

    Just a reminder, don't be fooled by the flash rains... Get a rain gauge and check the soil. Chances are you will need to water young trees and transplants SOON!
